Superman Classic by Robb Pratt
Animator, Robb Pratt put together this Superman short which is heavily inspired by the old Superman radio shows from the 40s. Check it out!
EK by New Era 2011 Spring/Summer Collection
These hats are off the hook!! Hats off to New Era for cooking these up! (get it??? Hat's off?? ha..ha.. ha..ha..guess it wasn't that funny)
Here's another iLL Throwback from "Queen of Pop" (to MJ's King), Janet Jackson with the single "Dream Street". Not a lot people remember this one. This record was released while Janet was still discovering her sound, amidst all the Thriller/Victory Tour hype that surrounded her brother, Michael (not to mention recording music under her father's rule). This was also released during her stint of the show FAME in the mid 80s. Though it was a solid pop record, it didn't make the same impact her brothers did, with their hits. But that didn't matter because she would go on to make many platinum records years later (Control, Rhythm Nation 1814, janet, and list goes on).